The best Dark Theme is Here. Come Closer!

The perfect Dark Agency is here!
The Perfect Dark Theme is Here!
and so much more!
A vast selection of Demos, Page Designs, Elements, Custom Post Types and much, much more!
Easily build with Elementor
Build beautiful pages, posts, projects & products in minutes!

The best Dark Shop is Here
The best Dark Shop is Here
Not just a dark mode, this is Dark Original!
Not just a dark mode, this is Dark Original!
Designed with one goal, to be the best dark shop on the market! Customize, stylize, reorder and make it yours in minutes. Don't settle for a dark mode of a popular theme, demand Dark Perfection! Sell with elegance of unmatched dark design.
Designed with one goal, to be the best dark shop on the market! Customize, stylize, reorder and make it yours in minutes. Don't settle for a dark mode of a popular theme, demand Dark Perfection! Sell with elegance of unmatched dark design.

Huge Elements Library
Perfect Dark Elements for any purpose you can think of

... and many more!
Perfect Design Tools
Premium Photoshop & Illustrator Mockups Included! Get the design assets you need to start your creativity. With DarkStar you get $44 worth of Premium Mockups along with useful mockups for logos and other images.
Darkstar Sections
Reusable content blocks. Create & Insert wherever you want!

Build custom content, Insert it anywhere you want! Update it globally on all locations!
Need to insert a page into another page? That's exactly what Darkstar Sections do. Darkstar Sections are a custom post type designed specifically for being inserted into other pages and into locations whch are not editable by the block editor, text editor or Elementor editor. Insert custom content you built with Elementor anywhere in the theme or create reusable global sections and place them at many places at once.
The Demos
Original Dark Designs with Superb Features